White Collar Defense and Investigations
We handle white collar criminal matters, as well as criminal and regulatory investigations, for companies and individuals in federal and state courts and before federal and state administrative agencies.
The types of criminal issues our lawyers have addressed include securities, mail and wire fraud, insurance fraud, customs and import and export control, tax, environmental offenses, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, False Claims Act, whistleblowers, Martin Act, conspiracy, commercial bribery, money laundering, political corruption, antitrust, health care fraud, and most other matters that have been the focus of white collar investigations.
While historically prosecutions in this area have been the focus of federal prosecutors primarily, in recent years, state attorneys general, local prosecutors, and state regulatory authorities have become increasingly active. Our lawyers have defended investigations by a variety of such agencies including: the Attorneys General of New York, Illinois, Florida, California, and other leaders among the National Association of Attorneys General; state insurance and securities regulators; and state environmental agencies. We also have handled matters adverse to major local prosecutors such as the Manhattan District Attorney and the Cook County States Attorney.
Our experience includes the representation of individuals and corporations before primary federal enforcement agencies such as the SEC, the FDA, and the CFTC.
We have extensive experience in working with jury consultants to test themes and understand issues. We use the same case management and trial presentation tools in criminal cases as we do in complex civil litigation and have experience with a broad base of subject matter experts who can prove valuable in developing defenses on technical issues that may form the basis of an inquiry, regulatory complaint, or indictment.